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How can you, as a parent, be prepared to help your child with math if you have no idea what they will be expected to learn? You can’t. You will not have the time or energy to hunt and peck through the internet to prepare yourself on those busy nights when you come rolling in from extracurricular activities or family obligations and everyone is hungry, baths need to be had, the pet still needs to be taken care of, and you should probably clean something and prepare for the next day. It is always on those nights that your child will look at you and say, "I forgot I have math homework and I need help with it." If you are not prepared, you will have no idea what form of Common Core trickery will come out of the backpack and onto your dining room table.


By downloading this guide you are declaring, not this year! Inside you will find a comprehensive list of what will be coming down the math pipeline this year for your student. We have taken the Common Core Math Standards and not only put them in a language that parents can understand, but also provided examples of skills that can be confusing.

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3rd Grade

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4th Grade

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5th Grade

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6th Grade

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