Dear Parents, You're Brilliant
Aug 23, 2022Dear Parents,
You are NOT stupid. You're brilliant. But, I would like to call out the elephant in the room: Teachers’ kids have an advantage, plain and simple. The support I have been able to provide to my youngest child seems so unfair in comparison to the support and help in math my other children received from me before I was a teacher.
Last night was Thursday for me, also known for so many of us parents as “test day eve.” I would also like to add that this is wrapping up the first full week of school where I live. My son was in his room studying for several tests and when I walked by, I noticed some frustration on his face, so I stopped in to ask if he needed any help with anything and he did. Without turning to Google or opening up a textbook or grade level guide I was able to provide him with guidance and help in math and tell him good night with a smile on my face not worrying about how he will perform on the test the next day.
Ok, if you are rolling your eyes thinking, well that’s good for you Natalie but it doesn’t really happen that way at my house, please don’t hate me, and keep reading! It’s because I am a TEACHER who - through my career - has the opportunity to teach math daily on multiple grade levels. I have done this stuff EVERY DAY for years and that’s why (the only reason why) I know it so well. I’ve taught students with and without learning disabilities in math and I know different tricks and ways of explaining things as well.
BUT TRUST ME, it hasn’t always been this way for me. I decided to go back to school and pursue a degree in education later in life and when I graduated college my four children were ages 16, 15, 12 and 6. So I know all about sitting there with your child staring at a worksheet that has maybe one example that makes no sense. Then spending way too much time searching the internet trying to find an explanation that does make sense to you so that you can then try to make it make sense to your child.
Whenever your student needs help in math, wouldn’t it be amazing to have a recorded video of what their teacher taught them that day in class so that you could review it with them? If you answered yes, then get excited for what I am about to tell you! In the coming weeks we will be releasing weekly “mini lessons” for each grade level! We know what skills students are typically working on in math each quarter and we have researched what specific skills and concepts students (and parents lol) tend to struggle with the most.
So don’t beat yourself up! You are not stupid! And at Ignite Learning Company WE WANT TO HELP give your child that same advantage that a teacher’s kid has. Be on the lookout for weekly mini lessons on skills that you're likely seeing in homework folders every week, and in the meantime be sure to grab your FREE Grade-Level Math Guide or share this with a fellow parent who could use a little help too.
With Love,
Natalie aka "Mrs. A."
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