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Get instant access to our favorite resources designed to help students in 3rd - 6th grade succeed in math. Learn what to expect in each grade, get tips & tricks to conquer difficult skills, and reduce homework stress with step-by-step examples.

Grade-Level Math Guide
How can you as a parent be prepared to help your child with math homework if you have no idea what they're expected to learn? Available for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grades, this guide provides a comprehensive list of what will be coming down the math pipeline each year. Based on the Common Core Math Standards, the guide also includes examples of skills that can be confusing.

Guide to Math Word Problems
A student's ability to solve word problems directly impacts their success in math, and over 90% of questions on high-stakes standardized tests are word problems! The good news is that most word problems students encounter in grades 3-6 can be broken down into 6 main types. In this guide, you will learn what those types are along with strategies for how to solve them.

Multiplication Practice Guide
Help your 3rd grader work toward multiplication fact fluency with this practice guide and flashcard set that focuses on strategies for learning the multiplication facts that tend to be harder for students to memorize.

Guide to Learning Factors & Multiples
Perfecting this skill is critical for success in 4th and 5th grade math as students work more heavily with fractions.Ā This guide breaks down factors & multiples and includes worksheets for extra practice.

Expressions & EquationsĀ Guide
Give your 6th grade student a head start on working with expressions & equations!Ā This resource includes a skill guide along with an activity matching expressions & equations to their correct word form.

Grade-Level Fractions Guide
We know that a great deal of math homework horror stories often contain a common underlying theme of fractions. We want to provide you with a solution to help you and your student understand and master fractions. We decided to go deeper on the most significant and challenging fraction concepts for each grade level 3rd-6th. That is just what you will find in this guide: guidance, explanations and step by step directions to help you and your student solve the most important and/or difficult to master fraction skills for their grade level.

Fraction Strips Printable
When students are introduced to and begin performing operations with fractions, they need a concrete representation to help them link the written fraction to an actual quantity. These colorful math manipulatives provide just that, and are especially handy to help students compare fractions, find equivalent fractions, divide fractions, or solve problems with fractions. Download your free fraction strips printable and help your student develop a solid understanding of fractions!

Parent-Teacher Conference Checklist
Make the most of your parent-teacher conference with this checklist. Print it out and bring it along to your next conference to help you remember everything you want to ask your child's teacher.

IEP Meeting Checklist for Parents
Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming IEP meeting? This free checklist from Ignite Learning Company will help you organize your thoughts & questions so you can be prepared for a successful meeting.

Multiplication Game Printable
Need multiplication fact practice? Just grab the dice from your Yahtzee game and this modified score card and you are all set. There are two versions included, one with multiplication facts 1-6 and the other with multiplication facts 7-12.

Multiplication Table Printable
Great resourceĀ to help your students on their journey towards multiplication mastery. Includes a multiplication table and multiplication facts chart, both for numbers 1-12.

Equivalent Fractions Activity
This activity focuses on finding fractions equal to one-half, one-third, and two-thirds using fraction strips and includes lesson slides and corresponding worksheets.Ā
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