Math Hero Membership

for Parents

Homework Help, Video Tutorials, Printable Guides & More

Delivered to your inbox, with a new skill each week following a typical school schedule. Available for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grades.


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Math Hero Membership

for Parents

Homework Help, Video Tutorials, Printable Guides & More

Delivered to your inbox, with a new skill each week following a typical school schedule. Available for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grades.


Join Today - Free for 7 Days
Trick Question:

How can you, as a parent, help your child succeed in math if you have no idea what they will be expected to learn or how to do it?


You can’t. You will not have the time or energy to hunt and peck through the internet looking for help on those busy nights when you come in from work or extracurricular activities. Those nights when everyone is hungry, baths need to be had, the pet still needs to be taken care of, and you should probably clean something and prepare for the next day. It is always on those nights that your child will look at you and say, "I forgot I have math homework and I need help with it." If you are not prepared, you will have no idea what form of Common Core trickery will come out of the backpack and onto your dining room table.


Studies show that, on average, between 45% - 95% of parents with kids in 3rd through 6th grade help with homework about once per week.


And yet, most parents don't remember the correct order of operations, the difference between expanded and word forms, or division using the partial quotient method. You may have never learned some of these strategies yourself. 

Assuming that your child does pretty well overall in math, you're likely to run into areas or skills that are more of a challenge where they could use some extra help. If your child is one of the many who struggles in math, your ability to help them can make a crucial difference. Your Math Hero membership gives you the knowledge and tools to help your child succeed in math. 

One Membership.

So Many Ways to Power Math Success

Like having your favorite math teacher as your own private tutor, Math Hero was created for students in 3rd - 6th grade (and their parents!) and focuses on the most important skills they should be mastering in each grade. Your membership includes multiple resources for each skill, all organized in one place and ready when you need them. 


Do you ever wish you had your child's math teacher on speed dial for homework help? Many times, kids will comprehend a new math concept during class and then totally draw a blank when they get home from school and sit down to do their homework. To make it even more confusing, those spiral review homework sheets often include completely different skills than what is being taught in class: either skills from weeks or months ago that they might not remember, or skills that have not been introduced in the classroom yet. The short tutorial videos and step-by-step guides in your membership provide just the help they need to get back on track so that homework doesn't dominate the entire night.

Virtual Tutoring

If your child struggles in math, they may need more help and instruction than what can be packed into classroom time. But figuring out how to help them succeed in math can be confusing. Your Math Hero membership makes it easy by delivering math lessons each week that were created specifically for your child’s grade level and are designed to come as close as possible to corresponding with what your child is likely studying at that time of year in math. The video lessons are taught by a real teacher and focus on the most crucial skills for each 9 weeks, and the worksheets provide problems for your student to solve independently so they can get the extra practice they need. 

Studying for Tests

Studying for a math test is different than studying for tests in other subjects. To do well, students should not just look over a guide completed earlier that day in class but should prepare by actually working out problems to see if they can get to the right answer on their own. On top of that, many times students perform poorly on tests because they struggle with word problems. They spend the week successfully solving computational problems and feel confident about the upcoming test only to end up defeated and frustrated when the test is 80% word problems that confuse them. The worksheets and guides included in your membership provide lots of extra practice plus word problems for test success.

Special Education

Not all kids learn the same way, and this can be especially true for kids who are autistic, have ADHD, or who have learning disabilities. If your child has an IEP, remember that their special education teacher's main focus must be meeting the IEP objectives, which does not always leave much time to help with the skills they are covering in their general education classes. Our teacher has experience in both general and special education, and the resources in your membership include teaching techniques with your students in mind such as: visual cues through hand gestures, think-alouds, and use of visual organizers for problem solving. Plus, since many students need and benefit from repeated instruction and practice, they can rewind or re-watch the lesson as needed.

Confidence & Success

If your student is one of the 64% of students who are NOT proficient in math, each year that they do not receive a successful intervention they will fall further and further behind. When this happens, their confidence takes a hit and it impacts their success, not just in math but more generally in school or even outside of school. If they're struggling now in grades 3-6, it sets them up for almost certain frustration and failure in middle school math. It becomes harder for them to participate in extracurricular activities and in many cases ineligible to participate in school sports. You can make a positive impact on your child's life in this area, and your membership gives you the roadmap, knowledge and resources you need to take action and make a difference.

Join Today - 1 Week Free Trial

How Does It Work?


A Membership Designed to Make Math Easier


Do you know that feeling when your child needs help in math and you tense up all over because you’re worried that you will have no idea how to help them? Let's skip over the part where you spend precious time searching online for help in the form of a YouTube video that may or may not be correct or appropriate for your child’s grade level. With Math Hero, you can relax, knowing that you have a trusted source to turn to. 

  • Choose your grade level: Math Hero is available for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades.
  • Each week, a new math skill is highlighted and comes with printable resources like worksheets, lessons, skill fact sheets, and step-by-step example problems.
  • A short video is also included for every skill, usually around 5 minutes long making it quick & easy to use for review, homework or studying.
  • We will send you an email every week with information about that week's skill and a link to all your resources.
  • With your monthly membership, you receive access to 4 new weeks' worth of resources in your membership portal, plus all of the previous weeks will stay around so you can review & preview skills with your child as needed.
Activate Your Membership Now - Free for 7 Days

Included in Your Membership

Packed with resources and available in versions for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grades, your Math Hero membership is your secret weapon helping your child succeed in math.

Printable Resources

Every single math skill covered comes with a complete set of printable PDF downloads. These are fantastic tools for learning new skills or referencing for homework help, and we even include a fact sheet just for parents.

  • Fact sheet covering the basics: what the skill is, why it's important, and common roadblocks for students
  • Skill overview with diagrams, related vocabulary words, and tips for problem-solving
  • Example problems, with detailed step-by-step breakdowns


Whether you need a short tutorial for a new math skill or a way to quickly go back and review for homework help, the video lessons have got you covered. 

  • A separate video for each skill: most weeks will have 1-3 videos, depending on the skills covered
  • On average, the videos are about 5 minutes long for quick and easy review
  • Our videos contain a real teacher, teaching the lesson and walking students step-by-step through solving example problems


Worksheets are included for each skill, so students have access to the repeated practice they need to really master a new math skill.

  • Can be used for extra practice when learning a new skill or for review to help kids retain what they've learned
  • Great for preparing for upcoming tests
  • Answer keys are included for every worksheet

Bonus Materials

But wait, there's more! Seriously, we want you to get the most out of your membership and include bonuses you'll love.

  • Word problem practice: this is where so many kids get tripped up, especially on tests
  • Bonus math activities and ideas to keep learning fun
  • Additional resources just for parents, so you have the inside scoop on the best ways to help your child succeed

Choose the Plan that Works for You



Affordable Monthly Membership

  • Available for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grades
  • Grade-level math skills for each week
  • 4 new skills added to your Math Hero membership portal each month
  • Worksheets, example problems, skill overview & vocabulary words, and more PDF resources
  • Short video lessons
  • Bonus word problems, math activities, and other parent resources
Buy Now - Free for 1 Week



2 Months Free When You Pay Yearly!

  • Available for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grades
  • Grade-level math skills for each week
  • 4 new skills added to your Math Hero membership portal each month
  • Worksheets, example problems, skill overview & vocabulary words, and more PDF resources
  • Short video lessons
  • Bonus word problems, math activities, and other parent resources
  • Priority support & resource requests
Buy Now

Are You a Math Hero?

Ignite Learning Company's Math Hero membership was created to help 3rd through 6th grade students achieve success in math through providing school-quality resources families can use at home.

A membership is great for parents or families who:

  • Have a child that needs extra help with math, but aren't confident in their own math abilities
  • Are too busy to spend multiple nights per week searching for the right math resources online
  • Want to reduce frustration around math homework
  • Need an affordable way to provide additional math instruction for their child
  • Haven't found the right math tutor, or need a more flexible option than traditional tutoring programs
Join Today - Free for 7 Days

Parents, We Have a Problem


Let's start here: more kids than ever are behind in math, so if your child is one of them you are not alone. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessed 4th and 8th grade students in 2022 and the results for mathematics showed that 64% of 4th graders and 73% of 8th graders performed at levels below NAEP proficient.

You may have seen headlines with these statistics and others about the educational crisis and wondered if it applied to your child's school. Simply put, the answer is "yes."  The majority of districts saw declines, only a handful stayed the same, and none saw gains. This was true for both wealthier and poorer schools, rural and urban districts (and in between), kids whose parents were more educated and less educated, and across all races and genders although gaps widened for girls as well as for students of color.


This is especially alarming given the importance of the late elementary and early middle school years when it comes to long-term math success. 


As students progress from 3rd to 6th grade, the risk of falling behind if a new skill is not mastered drastically increases. What’s even more daunting, is that it is usually around this time that students begin to learn some of the new math strategies introduced by the Common Core Standards that their parents did not learn. 

Your Math Hero membership gives you a clear roadmap for helping your child succeed in math, arming you with practical resources along with knowledge about what they're learning and how they're learning it so you can be a more effective partner in their education.

Make This the Year of Math Success 

We all do it. Every year when the kids are heading back to school, parents everywhere are vowing that this year will be different. This year, we'll have it all together. We will establish study routines, be prepared for every dress-up day and volunteer more in the classroom. We'll be on time every morning, calm and collected for evening meals, and patient when our children need help with homework. While a membership can't give you all of that, it can give you a plan and the tools you need to make one part of your day easier and ensure that something as critical as your child's math education doesn't get lost in the shuffle. 


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Still have questions?

The Ignite Learning Company Promise

We're on a mission to help 3rd - 6th grade students succeed in math, by providing the very best resources to the parents and teachers who lead, serve and work with them every day. Our memberships, courses, and other math are all centered around 4 pillars of value:

  • Quality Instruction: Research-backed instruction planned & taught by a teacher with real-world experience in 3rd - 6th grade general education and special education classrooms. Based on Common Core Math Standards, lessons cover how math concepts are being taught in today's classrooms plus other tips and strategies to help students gain a deeper understanding.
  • Comprehensive: More than just stand-alone worksheets or videos, our lessons were designed with a comprehensive set of resources designed to work together to foster student success in math. 
  • Affordable: We believe that all students should be able to have access to resources to help students succeed in math and have created our memberships & courses to be budget friendly.
  • Convenient: We know you're busier than ever, so we've made all of our resources as convenient as possible. Everything is organized in one central place, so you are ready to download, print or press play & go with just a few clicks.


Ready to Get Started?
Yes! I'm ready to start my Math Hero monthly membership for $14.99 after 1 week trial
I'd like to get 2 months free and join the Math Hero yearly Memberhsip for $149.99

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Sign up for email updates and you'll get early access to new classes and exclusive bonus resources to help your 3rd - 6th graders boost math skills, feel more confident completing homework & tests, and get better grades in math this year.

Ignite Learning Company